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Mini Mentoring Moments with Michelle 

I'm super excited to introduce you to something really special - my Micro-career coaching service.

Think of it as a mini power-up for your career growth!


You'll get personalized advice delivered right to your inbox in the form of easy-to-digest video responses. The best part? It's designed to fit like a glove into your busy schedule. No need to pause life to make progress on your career goals.


I totally get it if you're not quite ready to dive headfirst into the VIP experience just yet. We all have to start somewhere, right? But you're eager, you're motivated, and you're ready to make some serious strides. That's where this Micro-career coaching comes in - it's your perfect next step!


So, are you ready to give your career that boost it deserves? Let's do this together!

 Here are you options: 

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Resume Power-Up

 You provide the resume, we deliver a personalized video audit with clear, actionable steps for improvement. Tailored advice to help you shine in your job applications, fitting perfectly into your busy schedule. It's progress made simple!


LinkedIn Level-Up

Just share your LinkedIn profile link, and we'll provide you with a personalized video audit filled with actionable recommendations for enhancement. A simple yet effective way to boost visibility and engagement on your profile. 


Career Q&A

Stuck on a tricky career or job search question? Send over up to 2 specific questions - think salary negotiation strategies, interview responses, or LinkedIn content ideas. You'll get a personalized response packed with practical advice and resources.

Invest in Yourself & Your Future: 

  • Micro-coaching per option: $228 (3-day response time)

  • Need fast results? Get your personalized advice within 24 hours with  rush service, available for an additional CAD $108. We prioritize your career growth, delivering speed without compromising quality. 

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