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5 Tips for Moms Going Back to Work

After months or even years of being at home with the kids, getting back into the swing of things can be a challenge. Between planning childcare arrangements and dusting off old your resumes, returning to work can feel overwhelmed. Here are five tips that might make the transition a bit easier:

1. Create a routine for yourself and your family

It may seem counterintuitive to plan out days when you don’t know what the future holds, but setting expectations helps everyone—including yourself—adjust to the new normal.

2. Utilize support networks

Having supportive people in your life can make all the difference when navigating life transitions. Tap into local mom groups or join online communities to connect with other moms who have gone or are going through the transition back to work. These local groups can also be a great source of supports including daycare recommendations, job-friendly employers, or community resources to support working moms.

3. Look into flexible work opportunities

Flexible work is becoming increasingly common, offering moms more control over their work/life balance. Companies are now offering part-time positions, freelance gigs and remote options, more then ever. Search for job search boards specifically for remote and gig opportunities including Flexjobs.

4. Make self-care a priority

Maintaining self-care is always essential but it can be easy to ignore during a job search or starting a new job. Make sure to carve out a bit of time each day for yourself, even if it’s just 15 minutes. Find activities that bring your joy, like having a chat with a friend, reading a book or going for a walk.

5. Be open to learning something new

Don’t be afraid to try new things in your job search! Learning something entirely new not only opens up creative possibilities but could also lead you down unexpected paths towards fulfilling careers that weren't even previously considered. Consider signing up for career-focused workshops or short courses related to potential career fields you want to explore.

Returning to work can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With these five tips in mind, you’ll soon find yourself back in the swing of things and ready for your next career adventure! Good luck! 👍😊

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